Source code for energy_demand.scripts.cluster_execution

import os
import subprocess
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
import numpy as np

from energy_demand.read_write import read_weather_data

[docs]def my_function(simulation_number): print('simulation_number ' + str(simulation_number)) run_name = '_low' all_weather_stations = False same_weather_yr = True defined_weather_yr = 2015 run_smif = False # -------------------------- # Get all weather yrs with data (maybe read existing years from data folder) # and select weather yr # -------------------------- path_to_weather_data = "/soge-home/staff/cenv0553/data/_raw_data/A-temperature_data/cleaned_weather_stations_data" weather_yrs_stations = read_weather_data.get_all_station_per_weather_yr(path_to_weather_data, min_nr_of_stations=30) weather_yrs = list(weather_yrs_stations.keys()) print("all weather yrs: " + str(weather_yrs)) print("Total nr of stations: " + str(len(weather_yrs))) if same_weather_yr: weather_yr = defined_weather_yr else: weather_yr = weather_yrs[simulation_number] # -------------------------- # Select weather station # -------------------------- if all_weather_stations: weather_station_cnt = [] #All stationssimulation_number else: weather_station_cnt = simulation_number # Make run name_specifiv run_name = "{}_{}".format(run_name, simulation_number) # Run energy demand if run_smif: # Run smif #bash_command = "smif -v run ed_constrained_pop-baseline16_econ-c16_fuel-c16" #os.system(bash_command) pass else: bash_command = "python energy_demand/energy_demand/ {} {} {}".format(run_name, weather_yr, weather_station_cnt) os.system(bash_command) return
# WEather years simulation_number = range(10) if __name__ == "__main__": with Pool(int(cpu_count()/2)) as pool: my_function, simulation_number, chunksize=1) ''' for i in range(2): print("run " + str(i)) # Activate virtual environement bashCommand = "activate ed" os.system(bashCommand) # Run smif bashCommand = "smif -v run ed_constrained_pop-baseline16_econ-c16_fuel-c16" os.system(bashCommand) #process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) #output, error = process.communicate() ''' ''' #import this from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count #import any other packages import numpy as np def my_function(simulation_number): print('simulation_number') return simulation_list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] if __name__ == "__main__": with Pool(int(cpu_count()/2)) as pool:,simulation_list,chunksize=1) #import sh'C:/Users/cenv0553/ed') #print(sh.pwd()) #stream = os.popen("cd C:/Users/cenv0553/ed") '''