Source code for energy_demand.profiles.load_profile

"""Functions related to load profiles
import numpy as np

[docs]class LoadProfileStock(object): """Collection of load shapes in a list Arguments ---------- name : string Load profile stock name """ def __init__(self, name): = name self.load_profiles = {} self.dict_tuple_keys = {} self.stock_enduses = set([])
[docs] def add_lp( self, unique_identifier, technologies, enduses, shape_yd, shape_y_dh, model_yeardays, sectors, shape_yh=False ): """Add load profile to stock Arguments --------- unique_identifier : str Name (unique identifier) technologies : list Technologies for which the profile applies enduses : list Enduses for which the profile applies shape_y_dh : array shape_yh : array Shape yh (from year to hour) sectors : list, default=False Sectors for which the profile applies """ self.load_profiles[unique_identifier] = LoadProfile( enduses, unique_identifier, shape_yh, shape_yd, shape_y_dh, model_yeardays) # Generate lookup dictionary with triple key self.dict_tuple_keys = generate_key_lu_dict( self.dict_tuple_keys, unique_identifier, enduses, sectors, technologies) # Update enduses in stock self.stock_enduses = get_stock_enduses(self.load_profiles)
[docs] def get_lp(self, enduse, sector, technology, shape): """Get shape for a certain technology, enduse and sector Arguments ---------- enduse : str Enduse sector : str Sector technology : str technology shape : str Type of shape which is to be read out from 'load_profiles' Return ------ Load profile attribute """ # Get key from lookup dict position_in_dict = self.dict_tuple_keys[(enduse, sector, technology)] # Get correct object load_profile_obj = self.load_profiles[position_in_dict] return getattr(load_profile_obj, shape)
[docs]def generate_key_lu_dict( dict_tuple_keys, unique_identifier, enduses, sectors, technologies ): """Generate look_up keys to position in 'load_profiles' Arguments ---------- dict_tuple_keys : dict Already existing lu keys unique_identifier : string Unique identifier of load shape object enduses : list List with enduses sectors : list List with sectors technologies : list List with technologies Returns ------- dict_tuple_keys : str Lookup position in dict """ for enduse in enduses: for sector in sectors: for technology in technologies: dict_tuple_keys[(enduse, sector, technology)] = unique_identifier return dict_tuple_keys
[docs]def get_stock_enduses(load_profiles): """Update the list of the object with all enduses for which load profies are provided Arguments --------- load_profiles : dict All load profiles of load profile stock Returns ------ all_enduses : list All enduses in stock """ all_enduses = set([]) for profile_obj in load_profiles.values(): for enduse in profile_obj.enduses: all_enduses.add(enduse) return list(all_enduses)
[docs]class LoadProfile(object): """Load profile container to store differengt shapes Arguments ---------- enduses : list Enduses assigned to load profile unique_identifier : string Unique identifer for LoadProfile object shape_y_dh : array Shape of every day in a year (sum = 365) shape_yh : array Shape yh (from year to hour) Standard value is average daily amount shape_peak_dh : array Shape (dh), shape of a day for every hour """ def __init__( self, enduses, unique_identifier, shape_yh, shape_yd, shape_y_dh, model_yeardays ): """Constructor """ self.unique_identifier = unique_identifier self.enduses = enduses if isinstance(shape_yh, bool): self.shape_yh = calc_yh( shape_yd, shape_y_dh, model_yeardays) else: self.shape_yh = shape_yh
[docs]def abs_to_rel(absolute_array): """Convert absolute numbers in an array to relative Arguments ---------- absolute_array : array Contains absolute numbers in it Returns ------- relative_array : array Contains relative numbers Note ---- - If the total sum is zero, return an array with zeros """ sum_array = float(np.sum(absolute_array)) if sum_array != 0.0: relative_array = absolute_array / sum_array relative_array[np.isnan(relative_array)] = 0 return relative_array else: return absolute_array
[docs]def calk_peak_h_dh(fuel_peak_dh): """Ger peak hour in peak day Arguments ---------- fuel_peak_dh : array Fuel of peak day for every fueltype Return ------ peak_fueltype_h : array Fuel for maximum hour in peak day per fueltype """ # Get maximum value per row (maximum fuel hour per fueltype) peak_fueltype_h = np.max(fuel_peak_dh, axis=1) return peak_fueltype_h
[docs]def calk_peak_h_dh_single_fueltype(fuel_peak_dh): """Ger peak hour in peak day Arguments ---------- fuel_peak_dh : array Fuel of peak day for every fueltype Return ------ peak_fueltype_h : array Fuel for maximum hour in peak day per fueltype """ # Get maximum value per row (maximum fuel hour per fueltype) peak_fueltype_h = np.max(fuel_peak_dh, axis=0) return peak_fueltype_h
[docs]def calc_av_lp(demand_yh, seasons, model_yeardays_daytype): """Calculate average load profile for daytype and season for fuel of a fueltype Result ------ demand_yh : array Energy demand for every day of a single fueltype seasons: dict Seasons and their yeardays model_yeardays_daytype : dict Yearday type of every year av_loadprofiles : dict season, daytype Returns ------- av_season_daytypes : dict Averaged lp season_daytypes : dict Not averaged lp """ season_daytypes = { 'spring': { 'workday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float"), 'holiday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float")}, 'summer': { 'workday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float"), 'holiday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float")}, 'autumn': { 'workday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float"), 'holiday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float")}, 'winter': { 'workday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float"), 'holiday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float")}} av_season_daytypes = { 'spring': { 'workday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float"), 'holiday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float")}, 'summer': { 'workday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float"), 'holiday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float")}, 'autumn': { 'workday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float"), 'holiday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float")}, 'winter': { 'workday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float"), 'holiday': np.zeros((0, 24), dtype="float")}} for yearday, daytype_yearday in enumerate(model_yeardays_daytype): # Season if yearday in seasons['spring']: season = 'spring' elif yearday in seasons['summer']: season = 'summer' elif yearday in seasons['autumn']: season = 'autumn' else: season = 'winter' # Add data as row to array new_data_dh = demand_yh[yearday] existing_array = season_daytypes[season][daytype_yearday] # Add to dict season_daytypes[season][daytype_yearday] = np.vstack([existing_array, new_data_dh]) # ----------------------------- # Calculate average of all dict # ----------------------------- # Calculate average over every hour in a day for season, daytypes_data in season_daytypes.items(): for daytype, daytpe_data in daytypes_data.items(): av_season_daytypes[season][daytype] = np.average(daytpe_data, axis=0) return av_season_daytypes, season_daytypes
[docs]def calc_yh(shape_yd, shape_y_dh, model_yeardays): """Calculate the shape based on yh and y_dh shape Arguments --------- shape_yd : array Shape with fuel amount for every day (365) shape_y_dh : array Shape for every day (365, 24), total sum = 365 model_yeardays : array Modelled yeardays Returns ------- shape_yh : array Shape for every hour in a year (total sum == 1) """ shape_yh = shape_yd[:, np.newaxis] * shape_y_dh[model_yeardays] return shape_yh